Liberia’s Former Auditor General Breaks Silence…………….

I believe CDC electing Mr. Solo as National Chairman and Mr. Tukpah as CDC USA Chairman will put CDC in good stead come 2014 and 2017, as both men are smart, committed, level headed, and willing to reach out to as many Liberians as possible. Congratulations!Current Events and Broad IssuesBoakai Boley ImageBefore I get to the issue of Institutional Reform through Reconciliation, I like to make a few house cleaning comments. First, our current President would like me to inform CDCians that Liberia is off foreign aid in 10 years. She said this when she was just in the USA two weeks ago. But in 2006 she said Liberia will be off foreign aid in 10 years. That was 7 years ago and now she is saying the same thing. So when does this 10 year start. Anyway, she is off to Japan to beg for more assistance. Assistant Minister Isaac Jackson said she went to make a case for the expansion of the Gardnersville road. If one were to listen to all the public relations put out in the international space by our current Government, one would easily pack his or bag and move to Liberia. And that CDC will inherit a “Singapore.”There are so many issues in Liberia today. But one of the most important comments I have heard of late which speaks to the fundamental issue in Liberia is having a President with a moral voice. I also do not agree with all the Country-Congo talk from our Nobel Laureate. Being Congo and country have nothing to do with fighting corruption and nepotism. Just look at the current Government. Who do you see in the Cabinet, Public Corporations, and the National Legislature? Some would say 99% of the high ranking officials in this government are “country people.”

via Liberia’s Former Auditor General Breaks Silence……………..


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